Communication and Requests

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Communication and Requests

1. When I came in, John and Mary ________ about the best way to learn English.

2. Please tell Anne that my private affairs are nothing to ________ her.

3. You will have to ________, Aunt Mary is rather deaf.

4. He spoke so quickly that I didn’t ________ what he said.

5. My father told me never ________ a lie.

6. He tried to ________ his daughter of the dangers of spending more than she earned.

7. Would you go upstairs and ________ my handbag, please.

8. I ________ that one’, said the tourist, pointing for the benefit of the uncomprehending shopkeeper.

9. I tried to telephone him last night but his number ________.

10. He didn’t intend to ________ this conversation further himself, for he disliked his aunt’s patronizing tone.

11. Will you _______ my essay, to find out whether I made any mistakes?

12. What were John and Mary ________ about when you came into the room?

13. He couldn’t ________ his father that he was telling the truth.

14. When there was a short ________ in the conversation, I asked if anyone would like anything to drink.

15. After dinner the minister made a short ________ to the guests.

16. He won’t ________ to buy some bread unless I tell him again.

17. Would you mind ________ your radio a little, please?

18. Call for me at any time that ________ you.

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