Variant 1 May/June 2016

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Variant 1 May/June 2016

1. The diagrams show four current-voltage graphs.
Which two graphs show the characteristics of an ohmic resistor and of a filament lamp?

2. A beaker contains 0.500 kg of water at a temperature of 3.0ยฐC. The beaker is heated, and the internal energy of the water increases by 21.0 kJ.
The specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J/(kgยฐC).
What is the temperature of the water after it has been heated?

3. The speed-time graph shown is for a car moving in a straight line.

4. The diagram shows a shaded area where the direction of a magnetic field is into the page.
A beam of ฮฒ-particles enters the field as shown

In which direction is the beam of ฮฒ-particles deflected as they enter the magnetic field?

5. The diagram shows an enlarged drawing of the end of a metre rule. It is being used to measure the length of a small feather.

6. A liquid is heated in a beaker.

The density of the liquid changes as its temperature increases. This causes energy to be transferred throughout the liquid.
How does the density change and what is this energy transfer process?

7. A lorry of mass 4000kg is travelling at a speed of 4.0 m/s.
A car has a mass of 1000kg. The kinetic energy of the car is equal to the kinetic energy of the lorry.
What is the speed of the car?

8. Energy is released in some nuclear reactions.
Which nuclear reaction takes place in a nuclear power station, and which nuclear reaction takes place in the Sun?


9. A satellite orbits the Earth above the atmosphere at a constant speed.
The diagram shows the satellite at one point in its circular orbit around the Earth.
Which labelled arrow shows the direction of the resultant force on the satellite at the position shown?


10. Which statement about evaporation is correct?

11. A scalar quantity has

12. The diagram shows part of a circuit used to switch street lamps on and off automatically.

In the evening it gets dark.
Which row shows the effect on the resistance of the light-dependent resistor (LDR) and on the
potential difference (p.d.) across it?

13. A negatively charged rod is held close to one side of a metal sphere. The other side of the sphere is earthed.
Which diagram shows the distribution of charge on the metal sphere?

14. Two otherwise identical cars, one black and one white, are at the same initial temperature. The
cars are left in bright sunshine and their temperatures increase. During the night their temperatures decrease.
Which car shows the greater rate of temperature increase and which car shows the greater rate of temperature decrease?

15. A student wishes to check the upper and the lower fixed points on a Celsius scale thermometer.

16. A strong electromagnet is used to attract pins.

What happens when the current in the coil is halved?

17. A certain element has several isotopes.
Which statement about these isotopes is correct?

18. A substance loses thermal energy (heat) to the surroundings at a steady rate.
The graph shows how the temperature of the substance changes with time.

What could the portion PQ of the graph represent?

19. The diagrams show three uniform beams P, Q and R, each pivoted at its centre.
The two forces acting on each beam are also shown.

Which beams rotate clockwise?

20. Two runners take part in a race.

The graph shows how the speed of each runner changes with time

What does the graph show about the runners at time t ?

21. The arrangement shown is used to check whether the flour inside a cardboard packet is above a certain level. If it is above this level, the flour absorbs the radiation from the source so that it doesnโ€™t reach the detector.

Which type of radiation is suitable to use?

22. A sound wave travels through air as a series of compressions and rarefactions.
Which row correctly compares the air pressure in a compression and the air pressure in a rarefaction to the air pressure nearby where there is no sound wave?

23. A diver under water uses breathing apparatus at a depth where the pressure is 1.25 ร— 10โตPa.

A bubble of gas breathed out by the diver has a volume of 20 cmยณ when it is released. The bubble moves upwards to the surface of the water.
At the surface of the water, the atmospheric pressure is 1.00 ร— 10โตPa.
The temperature of the water is the same at all depths.
What is the volume of this bubble when it reaches the surface?

24. What is an electric field?

A a region around a wire carrying an electric current in which a compass needle experiences a

B a region in which an electric charge experiences a force

C a region in which an electric charge is attracted by the Earthโ€™s gravity

D a region through which electromagnetic radiation is passing

25. The diagram shows a transformer.

The input voltage is 240 V.
What is the output voltage?

26. A domestic circuit includes a 30A fuse. This protects the wiring if there is too much current in the circuit.
In which wire is the 30A fuse positioned, and what does it do when it operates?

27. The diagram shows a converging lens forming an image of an object.

Which statement about the image is correct?

28. The diagram shows light travelling from air into glass.
Four angles v, w, x and y are shown.

29. An object of mass 50kg accelerates from a velocity of 2.0 m/s to a velocity of 10 m/s in the same direction.
What is the impulse provided to cause this acceleration?

30. The four circuits shown all include an a.c. power supply, two diodes and a lamp.
In which circuit is there a rectified current in the lamp?

31. A force acts on an object and causes the object to move a certain distance, in the same direction as the force.
Which row represents a situation in which the largest amount of work is done on the object by the force?

32. The diagram shows a simple mercury barometer.

The atmospheric pressure increases.
Which distance increases?

33. A sound wave has a certain amplitude and a certain frequency.
A second sound wave is quieter and lower in pitch than the first sound wave.
The second wave has


35. Sound waves of frequency 2.0 kHz travel through a substance at a speed of 800 m/s.
What is the wavelength of the waves?

36. A reading is taken every 10 minutes of the number of emissions per second from a radioactive
source. The table shows the readings.

What is the half-life of the source?

37. A cell is connected to a lamp, as shown.

A charge of 4.0C flows through the lamp in 2.0s.
What is the direction of the electron flow in the lamp and what is the current in the lamp?

38. A cup contains hot liquid.
Some of the liquid evaporates.
What happens to the mass and what happens to the weight of the liquid in the cup?


39. The diagram shows a combination of logic gates.

Input P is at a logic state 0 (low) and input Q is at a logic state 1 (high).
What are the logic states at output X and at output Y?

40. Which row shows the natures of light waves, sound waves and X-rays?

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