Daring Heists that Shocked the World

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Daring Heists that Shocked the World

1. The “Brink’s-Mat Robbery” (1983) stole 3 tons of what material?

2. Which heist involved stealing a helicopter to break into a Stockholm cash depot?

3. What fictional character’s name was used as the alias for the 1976 “Bank of America” robber?

4. What 1997 heist used a bulldozer to ram into a Las Vegas casino vault?

5. What 1990 heist saw thieves steal $500M in art, including works by Rembrandt and Vermeer?

6. How did the “Antwerp Diamond Heist” (2003) thieves bypass 10 layers of security?

7. The “Banco Central Burglary” (2005) in Brazil involved tunneling from where?

8. What 2016 heist involved armed thieves posing as police to steal $10M in jewels from a Paris apartment?

9. The “Lufthansa Heist” (1978) inspired which film’s iconic airport robbery scene?

10. The “Great Train Robbery” (1963) targeted a Royal Mail train in which country?

11. What priceless painting was stolen in 2004 by masked gunmen who brazenly ripped it off a museum wall in broad daylight

12. Which thief stole the “Mona Lisa” in 1911 and hid it for two years?

13. What 2015 heist involved elderly thieves drilling through concrete to steal $20M in jewels from a London vault?

14. Which museum’s “Saliera” sculpture was stolen in 2003 and found buried in a forest?

15. The “Crown Jewels Heist” of 1671 was attempted by which flamboyant Irish colonel?

16. What 2015 heist involved tunneling into a London vault to steal $20M in jewels?

17. What 2013 cyber heist stole $45M from ATMs in 30 countries in 10 hours?

18. Which thief stole 271 paintings to “protect them from the Nazis” during WWII?

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