
Intermediate English Grammar Test 4

1. I was in hospital _____ three weeks.

2. I wonder why they arenโ€™t answering the door. There must be
someone _____ .

3. All the lights are _____ . I can see nothing.

4. I lived in Paris _____ several years.

5. โ€œHello. Can I speak to Mr. James, please?โ€
โ€œIโ€™m sorry. He isnโ€™t _____ at the moment. Can I take a message?โ€

6. That block of flats is being _____ because it is unsafe.

7. In Britain milk is _____ to your doorstep.

8. โ€œI feel like going to the cinema tonight.โ€
โ€œGood idea! Whatโ€™s _____ at the moment?โ€

9. My uncle died _____ the war.

10. The phone rang _____ I was having supper.

11. About one thousand people are _____ in the factory.

12. โ€œYouโ€™re crying. Whatโ€™s _____ ?โ€
โ€œIโ€™m just a bit sad. Thatโ€™s all.โ€

13. _____ I was in Paris, I made a lot of friends.

14. Lots of tulips are _____ in Holland.

15. โ€œWhy isnโ€™t there any hot water?โ€
โ€œThe central heating is _____ . Thatโ€™s why.โ€

16. I think this milkโ€™s _____ . It smells horrid.

17. I must be _____ soon. I want to get to the shops before they close.

18. โ€œWhere shall we go for a meal?โ€
โ€œItโ€™s _____ you. Itโ€™s your birthday. You choose.โ€

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