
Everyday Situations and Actions

1. Famous ______ “Mona Lisa” was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.

2. When you say that you will do something for somebody, you ______.

3. Anyone who gets free rides in other people’s cars as a way of travelling cheaply is called ______.

4. You mustn’t be angry with her. It wasn’t her ______ that she was late.

5. No, don’t wear blue. It doesn’t ______ you.

6. The shopping centre is now a pedestrian ______.

7. When you say something to someone’s ear quietly and secretly, you ______.

8. Is there anything ______ you’d like me to get you?

9. It’s so ______ in here. Don’t you ever clean this room?

10. Are you ready to go? – Not ______. Give me 10 minutes.

11. Don’t ______ my speech when I am talking.

12. I am ______ my wife to drive a car.

13. When we were in Spain last year we ______ at a wonderful hotel overlooking the beach.

14. That’ll ______ children! Stop shouting!

15. Carol speaks so fast that it’s ______ to understand her.

16. When you pay no attention to anybody or act as if you don’t see him/her, you ______ him/her.

17. His suitcase was quite ______ so I could easily carry it.

18. Could you ______ a photo of me in front of this building?

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