
Advanced English Grammar Test 4

1. New problems are always ______ in the factory.

2. The ______ stuck on the outside of the envelope said โ€œBy Airโ€.

3. Would you mind paying for the tickets ______?

4. How long did it take you to realize he was dishonest? I ______ from
the start.

5. Thatโ€™s a nice dress. It ______ you perfectly.

6. Iโ€™d like to take ______ of this opportunity to thank you all for your

7. He does not feel like playing tennis because heโ€™s ______.

8. Heโ€™s been working too hard and heโ€™s ______. He needs a rest.

9. He ______ to hit me if I didnโ€™t do as he said.

10. We went to the station to ______.

11. Everyone else was killed in the accident. I was the only one to ______.

12. Iโ€™ll put the flowers in this ______ Theyโ€™ll look nice there.

13. Weโ€™re going to have our house ______. The decorators are coming
next week.

14. She died after a long ______.

15. ______ I didnโ€™t understand the job but now Iโ€™m making progress.

16. She chose some very pretty ______ paper for the present.

17. He asked me what was ______ in the street outside.

18. I ______ to inform you that thereโ€™s nothing we can do to help you.

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