
Advanced Literary Devices and Techniques

1. A ______ is a recurring element that has symbolic significance in a story.

2. ______ is a literary technique where the normal order of words is reversed.

3. ______ is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.

4. A ______ is a character who contrasts with another character to highlight particular qualities.

5. A ______ is a comparison using ‘like’ or ‘as’.

6. The ______ is the main character in a literary work.

7. ______ is the use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in the story.

8. ______ is a literary technique that involves the use of contradictory or opposing ideas.

9. The ______ is the turning point of the story, often the most intense moment.

10. ______ is a literary device where words imitate the sounds they describe.

11. ______ is a figure of speech that involves an exaggerated statement.

12. A ______ is a contradiction in terms, such as ‘jumbo shrimp’.

13. The ______ is the underlying message or main idea of a literary work.

14. ______ is a literary device where an object, person, or situation has another meaning other than its literal one.

15. ______ is a literary device that attributes human qualities to non-human entities.

16. The ______ of a story is the perspective from which it is narrated.

17. ______ is the use of humor, irony, or exaggeration to criticize or expose flaws.

18. A ______ is an indirect reference to another literary work or to a famous person, place, or event.

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