
Advanced English Grammar Test 6

1. By the way, Sally, Iโ€™m ______ one or two friends ______ on
Saturday and I was wondering if you and Peter would like to
come too?

2. Iโ€™m not surprised that Tom and Julie have ______. They were
never really suited.

3. I know youโ€™ve got it – so come on, ______!

4. Could you hand ______ a minute? Iโ€™ll be right back.

5. Iโ€™ll have to ______ now, Iโ€™m afraid; there is someone at the door.

6. I took the doctorโ€™s prescription to the chemistโ€™s to be ______.

7. My boss has ______ playing golf three afternoons a week.

8. Are you sure you arenโ€™t holding your stomach ______, Charles?
Your waist was two inches more than this the last time I measured

9. When the meeting had finished, they went ______ the plan once

10. Itโ€™s really windy today, so ______ your hat!

11. Lucille is ______ a difficult period at work right now.

12. Have a piece of cake, everyone. There should be enough to ______.

13. Would you ______ a minute please, Iโ€™ll try to connect you.

14. Children usually ______ after an illness much more quickly than

15. The tree prisoners who ______ jail last weekend have finally
been recaptured.

16. The police are still looking for the three prisoners who ______
(escaped from) jail at the weekend.

17. Now, James, are you quite sure that Iโ€™m not putting you ______
(putting you to any trouble)?

18. When a fire ______ at least ten priceless paintings were
completely destroyed.

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