
Elementary English Grammar Test 5

1. A: What is _____ ?
B: She is a bank manager.

2. Ann is _____ wife.

3. Rolls-Royce cars are _____ .

4. This is not just my computer. It is 4 _____ computer.

5. We _____ in a Russian class.
We _____ in an English class.

6. “_____ your teachers married?”
“Yes, _____ .”

7. Snow is _____ .

8. Eliza _____ from Greece. _____ from Poland.

9. “How old ___, Andrew?”
“_____ 21 years old.”

10. “_____ you now?”
“I’m at the school.”

11. “How old is your brother?”
“_____ 29.”

12. Brazil ____ in Asia. ____ in South America.

13. “Are you married?”
“No, _____ .”

14. “Are _____ your parents?”
“Yes, _____ .”

15. “How old _____ Mr. & Mrs. White?”
“_____ 50 and 48.”

16. “Is it hot today?”
“No, _____ .”

17. A: _____ Greek?
B: Yes, I am.

18. “Where _____ now?”
“In her office.”

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