
Intermediate English Grammar Test 5

1. I hurt my leg _____ I was playing football yesterday.

2. _____ Friday evening we went to a party.

3. Peter came round _____ the meal.

4. _____ when were you born?

5. _____ 8.00 _____ the morning.

6. “What time?”
“_____ six.”

7. _____ my stay in hospital, the nurses looked after me very well.

8. We slept late _____ Saturday morning.

9. I’m meeting Alan _____ this evening.

10. “When?”
“_____ Monday.”

11. Last week I was held up _____ three hours.

12. Peter came round _____ we were eating.

13. I hurt my leg _____ the second half of the match.

14. It’s my birthday _____ next week.

15. What did you do _____ the weekend?

16. Traffic is always bad _____ the rush hour.

17. _____ the afternoon we went shopping.

18. A football match lasts _____ ninety minutes.

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